
A Rabbi and a Lawyer

Walk into a bar Podcast

Relatively well informed and irreverent musings on religion, news, and society. Grab a seat and join old friends, Rabbi Asher Lopatin and his former synagogue president, John Geiringer. Imagine sharing a drink with two news junkies who keep an open mind, challenge the status quo, and love discussing the comedy, tragedy, absurdity, and reality of the Jewish experience. Throughout their discussions, John will ask Asher provocative questions that congregants wish they could ask their rabbis.

Podcast Host(s)

Ep 8 – Stop!  T’shuvah Time.

Who has more exciting conferences, rabbis or banking lawyers?  We explore the positive role of the Treasury Department, and the not-so-positive role of the State Department, while discussing the new PBS show about the Holocaust.  Asher gets on his soapbox about Israel, we praise the Michigan Maccabi, and then wonder if DeSantis read the Tochecha.  Finally, we identify how to achieve the right mindset for Rosh Hashanah through t’shuvah, and even (gasp!) the benefits of occasionally playing hooky from praying.


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