
A Rabbi and a Lawyer

Walk into a bar Podcast

Relatively well informed and irreverent musings on religion, news, and society. Grab a seat and join old friends, Rabbi Asher Lopatin and his former synagogue president, John Geiringer. Imagine sharing a drink with two news junkies who keep an open mind, challenge the status quo, and love discussing the comedy, tragedy, absurdity, and reality of the Jewish experience. Throughout their discussions, John will ask Asher provocative questions that congregants wish they could ask their rabbis.

Podcast Host(s)

Ambassador Rabbi Lopatin Play in new window | Download (Duration: 40:24 — 27.7MB)And now for something completely different. We discuss Asher’s unbelievable...

Jew in the House Play in new window | Download (Duration: 42:07 — 28.9MB)What’s this Asarah B’Tevet fast all about?  We then swing on the pendulum...

From Darkness to Light Play in new window | Download (Duration: 37:34 — 25.8MB)A few weeks off and the whole Middle East changes, and hopefully soon for our...

Sanctioned by Iran Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:04:43 — 44.4MB)We discuss celebrating Simchat Torah on the yahrtzeit of 10/7, embracing both...

Hasbara and Hashana Play in new window | Download (Duration: 42:49 — 29.4MB)We discuss Israel’s remarkable success against Hezbollah so far, including...

Tzedakah Entrepreneur 

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (44.7MB)We discuss Asher’s connection to the Goldberg-Polin family, with the tragedy of Hersh and the strength of his mom.  “The king is in the field” during the month of Elul, but are we lobbying Him or is He campaigning for our...